Sunday, August 27, 2006

Fall preview

From Sunday's New York Daily News: "'Hope springs eternal,' the poet Alexander Pope wrote in 1733. If he were around today, he'd know that hope actually springs in the fall (he'd also have a three-picture deal). And all the signs are here that it's that time of year: It's the beginning of college football season (go UCLA!), the baseball playoffs are ahead (Subway Series, anyone?), and Hollywood is releasing its A-list films. That sound you're hearing is Oscar buzz." Jack Mathews waxes hopeful about the fall movie season, then joins forces with Elizabeth Weitzman to offer a detailed rundown of major titles coming soon to a theater or drive-in near you.


  1. The fall films that I am most looking forward to are both by directors whose work I've loved in the past: Sofia Coppola's Marie Antoinette and Darren Aronofsky's The Fountain.

    I still have a couple of summer movies to catch, too, but for very different reasons: The Illusionist for it's cast (Edward Norton & Paul Giamatti), and The Oh in Ohio for it's subject matter!

  2. Moi again...

    I am looking forward to the two (count'em two) old time Hollywood Noirs coming this Sept.

    Hollywoodland and Black Dahlia. I am a fan of De Palma.

    But the one Movie this fall that I really want to see and judge is Casino Royale. Growing up during the 60's 007 and Connery were Gods to me. And from the Trailer it looks like Broccoli's Daughter might finally have gotten it right.

    MovieGal: I saw the Oh in Ohio at SXSW and it was wonderful. Very funny and well acted and kinda original especially the way the film handles Danny Devito.
