Sunday, October 29, 2006

Boldly going where no casting director has gone before

Ryan Phillippe as Capt. Kirk? Keanu Reeves as Spock? John Leguizamo as Chekov? Those are some of the suggestions offered by Houston Chronicle readers in a poll to determine casting of "an upcoming, brand-spanking-new Star Trek film rumored to feature fresh young actors in the original roles." I would heartily agree with at least one inspired selection: the va-va-voom Angela Bassett as Uhura. But, then again, I happen to believe that just about any movie would be improved with Ms. Bassett in a prominent role. Hell, I think even that godawaful movie version of The Avengers could have been at least watchable if Bassett had been cast as Emma Peel.


  1. With the absurd trend of casting much too young (like having Kate Bosworth play five years old than an early 80s Margot Kidder), Kirk and Spock will probably be portrayed by 14 year olds. So Keanu is a pipe dream, even if it would actually be sort of interesting.

  2. Scariest thought in the Houston Chronicle article: Matt Damen as Kirk and Ben Affeck as Spock. Yikes!

    Also, I'm afraid that Josh is right: the casting is likely to skew young, young, young. So Angela Basset won't have a chance (although I agree that she would be good). The Uhuru role is more likely to go to someone like Gabrielle Union.

  3. If Angela Bassett is cast as Uhuru I will be the first in line at the theaters to watch Star Trek! I agree, she can make any movie watchable. Maybe we should start a petition...
