For what it's worth: An acquaintance who's not given to excessive hyperbole -- but who
is a pretty savvy industry observer -- called me today after seeing an early screening of
Apocalypto. The verdict: "Amazing. You've never seen anything like it." Consider yourself forewarned: This year's Oscar race may be about to change...
As much as I would LOVE to believe "Apocalypto" is that good and worthy of Academy consideration - do you believe there is ANY FREAKING CHANCE a heavily Jewish voting bloc will cast ballots for Gibson?
Stranger things have happened.
Well, yes, Roberto Benigni won Best Actor. But that's about it.
Interesting...I can't wait to see Apocalypto! :D
"Amazing" in what way? I was thinking that if it's amazing, it will be in a more action film/viceral way, like, say THE ROAD WARRIOR or THE MATRIX, which weren't exactly Oscar darlings. I think there is a real chance this could do quite well at the box office. The fact that Gibson offered his anti-Semetic rant isn't going to hurt this film in Norman, Oklahoma. It might even help it, sad to say: "Mel Gibson--the exact opposite of the liberal Hollywood elite." But I think that while it might get some nominations at the tech level--maybe even one for Mel, considering what loose canons the Director's branch members can be: remember them giving Randa Haines slot for CHILDREN OF A LESSER GOD to David Lynch for BLUE VELVET? Artistically justified, but about as un-P.C. as you could have been: snub the woman for proudly Republican filmmaker whose film was under fire for (supposed) misogyny.
So: my opinion, for what it’s worth, is that it could get 6 or 7 nods from Sound Effects Editing to Director, but it’s going to be shut out of the Best Picture race. There are enough people still angry with Gibson in the Academy to keep that from happening.
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