Sunday, December 10, 2006

More victories for 'Iwo Jima'

Letters from Iwo Jima makes the American Film Institute's annual Top Ten list -- and claims the top prize from the L.A. Film Critics. Are we talking about a relentless, unstoppable march toward an Academy Award for Best Picture? Or is it Brokeback Mountain all over again?


  1. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Considering that just 10 days ago Letters wasn't even on the radar for the 6,000 members of AMPAS these awards are most encouraging. The few reviews I've seen for Letters display real passion. Those who like it, REALLY like it and that's good because Letters needs all the help it can get.

    Let's face it, a near two and a half hour foreign-language pic told from the POV of America's enemy during WW2 isn't EXACTLY the sort of movie to leap to the top of AMPAS members screener lists (especially compared to cuddly fare like The Queen).

  2. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Hi Mr. Leydon. I came across your blog using the google blog button while searching for reviews on Letters. You seemed like a nice guy. I did read the comments at David Poland's hot blog when Kris Tapley started to play the "who's first" game. I'm wondering when are you planning on watching Letters & will you write a review on it? I know for a fact that the Japanese people are loving this film. It attracted a lot of young audience to the theatre & help educate them on the war that happened. Looking forward to your review on it.


  3. Anonymous9:11 PM

    In fact Joe, how about a review of Flags as well? Or is it better to wait until both movies can be seen together and Eastwood's achievement properly evaluated?

  4. I fear I may have outsmarted myself regarding Flags of Our Fathers. I had decided to delay seeing it until right before I could also see Letters from Iwo Jima, so that I could view them more or less back-to-back. But, alas, Flags already has departed from first-run theaters here in Houston. Unless it returns to one of the second-run houses, I may have to wait for the DVD. Bummer.

  5. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Joe, I did the same thing. I figured that Flags would have longer legs. Oh well. I'll definitely not be making that mistake twice. I'll see Letters in the theater for sure (plus, it sounds and looks better than Flags).

  6. Anonymous3:05 AM

    plus, it sounds and looks better than Flags).

    Wow, then Iwo Jima must really be good because Flags of Our Fathers was one of the best movies of the year.
