Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Seeing the world through Jerry Orbach's eyes

From the New York Daily News: "[Jerry Orbach] donated his eyes when he died in December 2004, giving sight to two women who needed new corneas. 'I cannot remember a day that went by where he didn't say, "I want to donate my eyes,"' Orbach's widow, Elaine, recalled yesterday...

"Elaine Orbach said one of the actor's corneas went to a woman who needed a nearsighted eye, and the other went to a woman who needed a farsighted one.

"'I wonder if they have an overwhelming desire to watch Law & Order or maybe sing 42nd Street all of a sudden,' she mused."

Hey, maybe they do. Or perhaps they have an urge to look at Woody Allen's Crimes and Misdemeanors, in which Orbach played the criminal brother of a respected ophthalmologist (Martin Landau).

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