Thursday, April 05, 2007

Tabloid TV is good for you

Jack Shafer insists that nobody who reported the Anna Nicole Smith story or viewed it on TV need apologize. Money quote: "Fat, no-talent, bleach blondes from Texas with breast implants aren't rare. But add a little show-business success to that package and top it with a potential half-billion dollars, and you've got a story."


Anonymous said...

"Fat, no-talent, bleach blondes from Texas with breast implants aren't rare. But add a little show-business success to that package and top it with a potential half-billion dollars, and you've got a story."

Ah yes, the values of our news media on display for all to see. No wonder viewers are deserting them in droves.

Sheila West said...

Oh so quoteable!

Anonymous said...

I'm just dismayed that the first adjective out of his mouth was "fat" -- which she was not, at least not recently.

- Movie Gal