Saturday, August 25, 2007

Ebert hangs on to his thumbs

From the Associated Press: "Roger Ebert has turned thumbs down on thumb reviews for At the Movies with Ebert & Roeper.

"Ebert, who is negotiating a new contract with the syndicated TV show's distributor, Disney-ABC Domestic Television, is a copyright holder on the signature 'thumbs up-thumbs down' judgment that's part of each film review.

"He has 'exercised his right to withhold use of the "thumbs" until a new contract is signed,' the Walt Disney Co.-owned company said in a statement released Friday to The Associated Press."

As you likely know, Ebert has not appeared on the TV show for more than a year because of health problems. During this period, guest co-hosts have filled in. According to the AP, "In the new season starting this weekend, co-host Richard Roeper will be joined for the first few months by movie critic Robert Wilonsky of the Dallas Observer."

"First few months," eh? Sounds a bit long-term, wouldn't you say? Could that have something to do with Ebert's negotiating stance?" In any event, here is Ebert's response to the AP story.

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