Insightfully written by the late Charles Purpura (whose only other feature credit of note is 1988’s less-than-noteworthy Satisfaction) and subtly directed by Michael Dinner (whose decidedly non-subtle Hot to Trot, a 1988 talking-horse comedy with Bobcat Goldthwait, remains a guilty pleasure of mine), Heaven Help Us features Andrew McCarthy (still flush with the fresh bloom of teen-fave stardom), Kevin Dillon (scarcely a year before his appearance in Platoon) and Malcolm Danare as three students at an all-boys Catholic high school (or, as we called them back in the day, “a parochial school”) in 1965 Brooklyn. I don’t think I’m spoiling any surprises to reveal that a generous portion of screen time is devoted to young lust and puppy love. (McCarthy’s character has a sweet romance with a candy-store clerk played by Mary Stuart Masterson, while Dillon’s character is… well, on the make for anything that moves.) But for me, the best parts of the movie are those that depict the day-to-day indignities and more-than-occasional terrors endemic to life as a Catholic school student of the era. I vividly remember seeing the movie on a Sunday, then going home and calling my best friend from high school to tell him about it. Only I really didn’t have to alert him: By the time I reached him, he’d already seen the movie – which had opened two days earlier –-three times. No kidding.
I don’t know whether contemporary teen-agers (or twentysomethings) would, after exposure to the free-wheeling raunch of the explosively funny Superbad, find the comparably restrained Heaven Help Us terribly amusing as entertainment, or even mildly interesting as an artifact (of the ‘80s and the ‘60s). Maybe, maybe not. Truth to tell, I strongly suspect it would seem as quaint yet remote to them as Depression Era musicals and screwball comedies sometimes seem to me. Nostalgia, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.
In any event, here's a scene from the movie for your perusal:
Isn't Patrick Dempsey in this one, too? Man, what a cast, also features Yeardley Smith aka Lisa Simpson's voice...very funny movie. Especially liked the brothers (not fraternal, obviously but spiritual kind) played by Donald Sutherland and John Heard; btw, was this the last sympathetic person Heard played in a movie? Food for thought...
Whoa, Johnny Drama looks so young.
Victory, indeed.
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