Sunday, August 26, 2007

I pray to God this isn't true, but....

The National Enquirer is reporting (and the Drudge Report is linking the report) that Owen Wilson attempted suicide today. Yeah, I know: Consider the source. Still...

Update, 11:43 p.m.: Now Fox News is running the story -- or at least linking to the National Enquirer's website. Just spoke on the phone with a colleague who knows Wilson, and says he can't believe Wilson is the type of guy who would want to kill himself. Again, I am hoping for the best. But, really, who knows what color of darkness someone else sees when they shut their eyes at night?

Update, 1:14 a.m.: is running with the story now, as are other outlets. At the risk of sounding brutally unfeeling, I can't help wondering how all this will affect critical and audience reaction to The Darjeeling Limited, which is slated for a late September opening in New York.

Update, 8:53 a.m.: Strangely enough: While the Drudge Report site continues to prominently feature the Owen Wilson story, the much bigger story of the day -- Alberto Gonzalez's resignation -- has yet to be posted as of 8:53 am CDT. Read into that what you will.

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