I continue to slave away at finishing my master's thesis -- yep, that's right, that's why I haven't been posting lately -- and yesterday I finally finished a chapter on
Rosemary's Baby. And then, this morning, while taking a break from my work, I see
this. Scary stuff, kids.
For those not wanting to sign up on the LA Times website to see the article, here's the opening paragraph:
"Ira Levin, who gave the devil his due in "Rosemary's Baby," created an archetype in "The Stepford Wives" and brought a notorious Nazi to fiction in "The Boys From Brazil," has died. He was 78."
joe-- just finished watching 'spinetingler!' and was amazed at how little i knew about how evans stole castle's big chance to do an a-lister (although it prob wouldn't have been a-list if he'd done it)...any insights?
Judging from what I've read, Castle wasn't exactly happy about being pushed out of the director's chair. Indeed, if you read Evans' autobiography, you get the impression that Castle tried to undermine Polanski by blowing the whistle to Paramount's board whenever Polanski went over budget and schedule. But, speaking as someone who actually saw a few of Castle's attempts to become an A-lister -- ever see The Busy Body? -- I have to say that the right guy got the job.
thanks...i forgot that i have the evans book on the shelf...appreciate the response...
oh, and 'busy body' is on the 'bad movies we love' shelf...so many shelves....
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