Thursday, December 27, 2007
Summer '08: Clashes for cash?

National Film Registry taps 25

The bad news: "Even as Americans fill the movie theaters to see the latest releases, few are aware that up to half the films produced in this country before 1950 — and as much as 90 percent of those made before 1920 — are lost forever," said Librarian of Congress James H. Billington in announcing the selections.
Celebrating the Bette Davis centennial

Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Kiss and tell

So let me see if I have this straight: According to Mr. Stud Muffin here, any woman who wants to have sex six times during the course of a single day is a "nymphomaniac." And because he can, at age 24, rise to this sort of challenge, that makes him some sort of fantastically resilient cocksman. That's about the gist of it, Riley?
Geez, I'm glad this guy never met some of the women I knew when I was back in college. He might have had to give his interview from a hospital bed.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Another art house bites the dust
Houston's Greenway Theatre, which has offered alternative film fare for more than a generation, and once served as the annual site for WorldFest Houston, is slated to close on New Year's Eve. The three-screen multiplex is one of two art houses operated in the city by Landmark Theatres. The other, the River Oaks 3, also is on the endangered list, despite ongoing efforts by local preservationists. It is my coolly considered and entirely objective decision that this really, really sucks.
And yet...
I have to admit: Every year I'm given a free-admission pass to the theater, but I can't remember the last time I actually saw a movie there. The Greenway Theatre, I fear, is one of those local landmarks that can all too easily slip off your radar. You know the sort of places I'm talking about: You feel like they've always been around. And you take them for granted because you think they always will be around. But then you wake up one morning -- in this case, Christmas Day, for cryin' out loud! -- and you learn that, pretty soon, yet another one will be gone, baby, gone.
And yet...
I have to admit: Every year I'm given a free-admission pass to the theater, but I can't remember the last time I actually saw a movie there. The Greenway Theatre, I fear, is one of those local landmarks that can all too easily slip off your radar. You know the sort of places I'm talking about: You feel like they've always been around. And you take them for granted because you think they always will be around. But then you wake up one morning -- in this case, Christmas Day, for cryin' out loud! -- and you learn that, pretty soon, yet another one will be gone, baby, gone.
Chronicling movies

Monday, December 24, 2007
R.I.P. Michael Kidd: 1915-2007

It happens almost every year, alas: A major showbiz figure (or two, or three) will die during the final days of December, long after most newspapers and magazines have printed (or pre-printed) year-end wrap ups, and the bad news about great talent(s) is insufficiently noted. All the more reason to make the effort to take the time and honor Broadway and Hollywood choreographer Michael Kidd, the man who tuned "Lonesome Polecats" into lithe terpsichoreans. As the Associated Press notes:
"To moviegoers, Kidd was best known for the 1954 film Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, in which a bunch of earthy backwoodsmen (some of them really stage dancers) prance exuberantly with their prospective brides.
"He also directed dances for Danny Kaye in Knock on Wood, took Fred Astaire out of his top hat to play a private eye in a Mickey Spillane spoof in The Band Wagon, and taught Marlon Brando how to hoof for Guys and Dolls."
In addition to directing for stage and television, Kidd worked sporadically as an actor -- most memorably, in Michael Ritchie's 1975 cult-fave Smile, masterfully playing Tommy French -- a sly, sardonic beauty pageant choreographer ("No, dear, if you kick and bend at the same time, you're going to knock yourself out!") whose inspirational speeches to comely teen-age contestants are somehow all the more effectively uplifting for being transparently (to the audience, at least) bogus.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Season's Greetings
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
R.I. P.: John Harkness (1954-2007)

BTW: Quite inadvertently, John once taught me an invaluable lesson about how little we sometimes know, and how much we may assume, about colleagues with whom we share professional relationships. Anyone who has ever covered a major film festival can tell you that, while you’re immersed in the day-to-day, morning-to-midnight grind, you tend to narrow your focus to the point of ignoring, or simply forgetting, the outside world. (While at the 1989 Cannes Film Festival, I caught a TV news report about the escalation of demonstrations in Tiananmen Square. Shortly afterwards, I ran into a very well-known film critic – whom I will not name, because he’s no longer with us – and I remarked: “Isn’t it amazing what’s going on in China right now?” The film critic, who obviously had not been paying attention to world news, responded with a stricken expression and an anxious query: “There’s a new Chinese movie here? When was it screened? Where?”) One year at Toronto, John and I were hanging with a few people in a hotel bar, discussing some movie or another, when I made a passing reference to my son (who was, if memory serves me correctly, about eight or nine at the time). John gave me a quizzical look, then said: “You know, Joe, you and I have known each other for years – but this is the first time you ever mentioned having a son.” At first, I was shocked: Surely John was mistaken, surely I had mentioned someone as important to me as my child many times before. But it hit me: No, I probably hadn’t. Because while I’m at a film festival, talking with colleagues I see only at film festivals -- well, all we usually talk about is movies. That, and where’s the best place to get a quick meal between screenings.
If you totaled all the time I spent with John over the years at various festivals – or with any one of a few other colleagues I never see in any other context -- it might add up to more hours I’ve spent with blood relatives over the same period. And, yes, there’s something ineffably deceptive about spending long periods in close quarters alongside people with similar interests: You start to think that you actually know these people. But you don’t. Such is life.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
It's a scenario for (a) Juno II, (b) Knocked Up Again, or (c) a remake of Poor White Trash

Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Wichita Lineman
Oddly enough, whenever I hear this song, I am reminded of the final moments of Charlie Chaplin's City Lights. And I find myself thinking: Here is someone who feels that he is not worthy of being loved. But, hey, let's face it: That isn't something any of us wants to think about too long, right?
Monday, December 17, 2007
No more entries, please! We have a winner!
Arriving just in time to qualify as The Freaky-Deakiest Movie Swag of 2007....
(Pretty dang clever, actually, though I might have preferred a jug of Sunny D.)
R.I.P.: Floyd Red Cloud Westerman

Leukemia has claimed the life of Floyd Red Crow Westerman, the Native American activist, actor and country/folk singer best known for his roles in Kevin Costner's Dances With Wolves (as Sioux leader Ten Bears) and TV's Walker, Texas Ranger (as Uncle Ray Firewalker).
Westerman, who passed away Thursday at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, was born on Aug. 17, 1936, on the Sisseton-Wahpeton Dakota Sioux reservation in South Dakota. A man of many impressive talents and passionate interests, he was a respected musician who worked with such artists as Willie Nelson and Bonnie Raitt, and toured the world with Sting during the 1990s to raise money to preserve rain forests. He remained active in show business until just a few months ago, when he completed work in another Kevin Costner film, the forthcoming Swing Vote.
Kevin Abourezk of Reznet describes Westerman as man who provided a "lyrical and plainspoken voice for the oppressed," and reports: "In his final years, [Westerman] had begun work on a six-part documentary called Exterminate Them: America's War on Indian Nations. With the help of his niece [Gwen Westerman Griffin], he had completed the first part, California Story, and had begun work on the second installment, Great Plains Story. Westerman Griffin said she doesn't plan to let her uncle's death end efforts to complete the documentary. Nor does she plan to let his relentless efforts to improve the lives of Native people die with him. 'It's going to take a lot of us to fill in the void that this one man is going to leave,' she said. 'It's going to take so many of us to carry on his work.'"
Sunday, December 16, 2007
R.I.P.: Dan Fogelberg (1951-2007)
At a time of year when his classic "Same Old Lang Syne" is a radio staple, it's all the more tragic to hear that singer-songwriter Dan Fogelberg has passed away at the ridiculously young age of 56. He was never what you would call a superstar -- truthfully, never someone who immediately sprang to mind when the discussion centered on defining musical talents of the '70s and '80s -- but his music always appealed to me, and millions of others, and I can't remember ever wanting to change the station when one of his songs came on my car radio. Indeed, I can remember singing along with some of the tunes -- late at night, especially, when melancholy claims dominion on my soul. To pay him the highest compliment I can think of: He left this world a better place than it might have been if he'd never been in it.
Hey, Will Smith really is legend
The Box-Office King's latest effort rules the Top Ten chart this weekend. And Alvin and the Chipmunks looks pretty damn impressive in the No. 2 position. Looks like I'm not the only one who was feeling nostalgic about Alvin and the gang.
Dumped in the heart of Texas

"It is being released in this crowded marketplace in eight theaters in Texas. The reason we chose Texas is the two stars are from Texas: Jessica Simpson and Luke Wilson. As an independent studio, we, as a rule, don't have major wide releases. It's a very common release practice for independent studios."
Hey, when it comes to positive spin, Dana Perino has nothing on this lady.
It seems to me that... Oh, sorry, have to answer the phone. I think it's my Variety editor with a review assignment.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Graduation Day
Of course, all of you lesser mortals now will have to address me as "Master Leydon." (Well, OK, at least for the next day or two.) And just to please me, the college's latest celebrity alumnus, the mighty UH Cougars will smite the lowly TCU Hornfrogs in the Dec. 28 Texas Bowl. Go Coogs!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
He is legend

A provocative piece in today's L.A. Times suggests that Will Smith has become "Hollywood's biggest post-racial movie star." Money quote: "At a time when the world is growing more multicultural by the minute, movie studios cling to the notion that black performers cannot sell as many overseas movie tickets as their white counterparts. But Smith is shattering that perception..." Which doubtless will make the producers of I am Legend -- opening Friday at theaters and drive-ins everywhere -- very, very happy
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
And while Santa Claus gets all the attention....
What is another holiday-centric icon up to these days?
Oh, Mama!
10 X 2

Ho, ho, horror!

Uma and Al in Oslo

Thursday, December 06, 2007
Hat trick

Sam Elliott tells the Kansas City Star that the "Tom Mix-style hat" he wears in The Golden Compass, which opens Friday at theaters and drive-ins everywhere, didn't come from the wardrobe department. Rather, it's his very own chapeau, a gift he received 35 years ago after making a series of beer commercials.
"I have never worn it since. But I took it with me when we started doing the wardrobe fitting for Golden Compass. We tried on several hats. I got the hat out of the car and everybody said that's the hat. With Western characters, it all starts with the hat," Elliott says.
Jack Nicholson got his ass kicked by a girl

Wednesday, December 05, 2007
This just in from the National Board of Review...

Monday, December 03, 2007
Remembering Alvin (and Lee)

The slow fade of film critics
Matt Eagan of The Hartford Courant offers an intelligent, insightful and... and... oh, hell, just plain goddamn depressing piece about the seemingly irreversible decline in the number of film critics -- and fine arts critics -- at newspapers across the United States. Among the money quotes:
"The era of the newspaper film critic, the era of newspaper criticism, seems to be coming to a rapid and unceremonious end. As recently as a decade ago, no self-respecting mid-sized daily newspaper would have dreamed of publishing without a film critic.These days only major cities have them and those that remain (other than [Roger] Ebert) have seen their influence wane."
Every so often, I am asked by a young writer how he or she can get a job as a professional film critic -- that is, how he or she can get paid to write film reviews for a daily newspaper. And I must admit: Increasingly, I am tempted to respond: "Well, you can't. Not anymore. You're better off starting your own website. Pretty soon, the Internet is the only place you'll find serious film critcism." On the other hand, maybe I should just direct them to Eagan's article.
"The era of the newspaper film critic, the era of newspaper criticism, seems to be coming to a rapid and unceremonious end. As recently as a decade ago, no self-respecting mid-sized daily newspaper would have dreamed of publishing without a film critic.These days only major cities have them and those that remain (other than [Roger] Ebert) have seen their influence wane."
Every so often, I am asked by a young writer how he or she can get a job as a professional film critic -- that is, how he or she can get paid to write film reviews for a daily newspaper. And I must admit: Increasingly, I am tempted to respond: "Well, you can't. Not anymore. You're better off starting your own website. Pretty soon, the Internet is the only place you'll find serious film critcism." On the other hand, maybe I should just direct them to Eagan's article.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Mama's Boy

Bad-ass Bible tales

Saturday, December 01, 2007
No 1 on the DVD wish list: Les Miserables
Every great once in a while, I am reminded that, contrary to what we might sometimes think, not every great movie is available in the U.S. on DVD. Case in point: Claude Lelouch's Les Miserables (1995), one of my favorite films of all time. As I wrote on Amazon.com a few years back:
"Claude Lelouch's audacious and exciting epic is neither a film version of the long-running musical nor a traditional adaptation of Victor Hugo's classic novel. Rather, it is a sweeping and sensationally passionate drama that succeeds brilliantly on its own merits as a celebration of storytelling (and, of course, moviemaking) as inspiration and illumination. A magnificently ravaged Jean-Paul Belmondo plays Henri Fortin, an ordinary man whose life spans an extraordinary period in French history: Born at the turn of the century, he lives long enough to endure the cruelties of the Nazi occupation. Rootless and illiterate, he is introduced to Les Miserables at an early age -- in a silent movie! -- and embraces Jean Valjean as his hero, mentor and alter ego. So much so, in fact, that Henri agrees to help a Jewish family escape from Paris, setting into motion a fateful series of betrayals, reconciliations, reversals of fortune and triumphs of the spirit. There are images in Les Miserables that are as hauntingly beautiful as any in the history of cinema. And there are entire sequences that are nothing short of astonishing. Lelouch is one of the few contemporary filmmakers who remains capable of the grand romantic gestures that made many of us fall in love with movies in the first place."
If anyone at Warner Home Video reads this, take it as a plea: Give me a DVD, please.
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