Friday, December 14, 2007

Graduation Day

The last time I received a diploma, Richard Nixon was in the White House. More than 33 years later, I am, as of today, a Master of Arts, thanks to my incredibly patient mentors at the University of Houston's School of Communication. Let there be dancing in the streets, drinking in the saloons and necking in the park. Feel free to have a glass or two of Beaujolais Nouveau in my name, if not on my bill, and share wine kisses with the one(s) you love.

Of course, all of you lesser mortals now will have to address me as "Master Leydon." (Well, OK, at least for the next day or two.) And just to please me, the college's latest celebrity alumnus, the mighty UH Cougars will smite the lowly TCU Hornfrogs in the Dec. 28 Texas Bowl. Go Coogs!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Hey you!!LOL You seem like a nice man and I wanted to wish you a congrats on your recent degree!! Have no idea how I stumbled upon your this site or your name but I know it had something to do with Dan Fogelberg. At least that is where I started today.
    Anyway- Master Leydon Have a wonderful day and joyous holidays!!
    Thanks for your kind words about Dan. We will all miss him, a beauitful man himself, with so much talent. He kept me sane and taught me well during an insane time in my life. I will forever be grateful for his influence in my life as well.
