Monday, May 11, 2009

They wanted to boldly go where they went before, but...

William Shatner may be miffed that there wasn't a role for him in the new Star Trek movie -- but, honest, it wasn't like the writers didn't try to come up with a way to include Captain Kirk. Really: Check this out.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:57 AM

    I have just returned home from viewing the new Star Trek movie and although I found it to be a wonderful experience I must say that the absence of William Shatner left an enormous void in both the thread/integrity of the movie... and my heart. He is so much the essence of Capt. Kirk (and such an excellent actor) that the film simply screamed for his presence in some form. That, Mr. Abrams, was the true "Black Hole" you created in your new Star Trek endeavor!!!
