Friday, March 05, 2010

Coming soon to SXSW: Kicking and grinding

OK, I have to admit: There are some movies I'm looking forward to more than others at this year's SXSW Film Festival in Austin (which, by the way, kicks off with Kick-Ass next Friday). Naturally, I'm eager to see The People vs. George Lucas, because one of the "experts" interviewed in the documentary is... well, me. And, of course, since I'm a New Orleans native, I can't help being intrigued by any movie titled The Canal Street Madam. (Who knows? If they display pages from her address book, I may see the names of old friends.) But American Grindhouse appears to be the SXSW offering most likely to redefine the term "guilty pleasure." Indeed, it may wind up being a great companion piece for another guilty pleasure from an earlier SXSW Fest: The Independent.

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