Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Brotherhood can do at Cannes

Last March, I filed the following for Variety from SXSW: Ingeniously constructed and propulsively paced, Brotherhood achieves the sweaty-palmed intensity of classic film noir while demonstrating just how speedily a very bad situation can metastasize into a worst-case scenario after a college fraternity hazing takes a deadly serious turn. First-time feature helmer Will Canon drives his actors on a virtually nonstop full-court press from first scene to final fade-out, only occasionally pausing for a dab of backstory or a burst of black comedy to give the players -- and the audience -- a fleeting breather. Canny marketing could drive this well-crafted indie beyond the fest circuit and into megaplexes.

Anne Thompson reports from Cannes that a new distributor -- Phase 4 Films -- shares my enthusiasm for Brotherhood, and plans "a late 2010 release" for the prize-winning, filmed-in-Texas indie. Think Detour meets Animal House, and you'll have some idea what to expect when it opens at a theater or drive-in near you.

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