Friday, July 15, 2011

Hitler rages because he got the Sarah Palin doc into only 10 theaters, decides to go see Harry Potter instead

Palin Campaign Headquarters - Launch of 'The Undefeated' - 7/14/2011 from Moosehelmet Films on Vimeo.

Curiously enough, he seems especially upset that he's booked The Undefeated into only two Texas theaters. But never mind: He's still wild about Harry.


  1. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Priceless. But I think Herr H would be rooting for Voldemort instead of wild about Harry!

  2. But you forget: Hitler liked Mickey Mouse cartoons. No, really.

  3. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Poor Obama supporters, you can't keep giving him chances because he is half black. Bottom line he has us in 3 wars, blew all of our money with Bush, and has had more vacations than Bush, Clinton and Bush 1 combined.

  4. What does Obama have to do with this? And BTW: You're kidding about the vacation thing, right? Ever see Crawford? George W. spent a lot of vacation time there.

  5. Er, do you mean "Hitler GONE mad," or...?

  6. Ummm... Undefeated was a success. It hasn't gone nationwide yet.

    Talk about EPIC FAIL of a post.
