Monday, February 20, 2012

Kevin Costner bids farewell to Whitney Houston

If you can watch this with dry eyes, you are made of sterner stuff than I am. My favorite line: Recalling what naysayers pointed out when he indicated that he wanted Houston as his co-star in The Bodyguard, Costner says, "I told everyone that I had taken notice that Whitney was black..."

His anecdote about Houston's screen test for Bodyguard is at once richly amusing and deeply affecting. And then Costner, mindful of his co-star's modesty and self-doubt, concludes: "So off you go, Whitney. Off you go. Escorted by an army of angels to your heavenly father. And when you sing before Him, don't you worry. You'll be good enough."

I've always thought Kevin Costner was a class act. Now I'm certain.

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