Saturday, June 29, 2013

First, Nine Inch Nails. Then, Johnny Cash. And now... 2Cellos

Maybe it's because I've listed Johnny Cash and Ludwig Van Beethoven as faves on Pandora. Whatever the reason, I had Pandora all cranked up on my new Samsung tablet while I was taking a shower this morning, and heard this. And was suddenly, breathlessly transfixed.

As soon as it ended, I immediately got out of the shower and started Googling to find out more about -- and hear more by -- these guys. Eventually -- after drying myself off, of course -- I ordered two CDs from Amazon. Yeah, that's right: CDs. In some regards, technology-wise, I'm still old school.

And while I'm greatly impressed by 2Cellos -- this is, to me, the definitive "Hurt," rendered in a classic music video I recently watched again during my first visit to the new Johnny Cash Museum in Nashville. As Bono notes in this "Making Of" mini-documentary: "Trent Reznor was born to write that song. But Johnny Cash was born to sing it. And Mark Romanek was born to film it."

Still, I think all those folks would agree with me that what 2Cellos have done with "Hurt" is pretty damn impressive on its own terms. And I bet Bono approves of what they do with U2's "With Or Without You."

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