Saturday, May 10, 2014

Godzilla, dammit!

First, I gave my students an introductory lecture about Gareth Edwards' Monsters, duly noting that Edwards had gone on to direct the new Godzilla.

Then, after I screened Monsters, ace publicist Jennifer Kane visited the class to give students passes for a Godzilla screening, Godzilla Frisbees, Godzilla dogtags and Godzilla buttons.

And then I gave the final exam, a multiple-choice test. One question: What summer blockbuster was directed by the director of Monsters: X-Men: Days of Future Past, Transformers: Age of Extinction, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes or Godzilla?

And so help me God: A few students got the question wrong.

But here's the corker: I was wearing a freakin' Godzilla T-shirt the whole time. And I even showed them this video.

Maybe I'm not really cut out for this teaching stuff after all.


  1. Anonymous10:24 PM

    Nah, but maybe some of your students are not really cut out for this learning stuff after all.

  2. Stuart10:27 PM

    Wow, I want to be in your class!!
